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Command Line Options

Most of the data reduction functions of GCX are available from the command line. The program's command-line options are listed below. The same text can be obtained using gcx -help.

fscan_params: unknown name shape under node 9

gcx version 0.8.4

usage: gcx [options] [<fits file> ...]

                       General options:
-h, --help                         Print command line options
    --help-all                     Print all the on-line help on stdout
    --version                      Print program version
-D, --debug <level>                Set debug level to <level>; 0=quiet, 4=noisy
-o, --output <file_name>           Specify output file name for import, convert
                                     and frame operations
-r, --rcfile <params_file>         Load parameters file
-S, --set <option>=<value>         Set an option overriding the parameters file
-i, --interactive                  Display frames as they are being processed

       Observation scripting, photometry and file conversion options:
-p, --recipe <recipe_file>         Load recipe file (searches rcp_path)
-P, --phot-run <recipe_file>       Load recipe file and run photometry
                                     in batch mode. Report in native
-V, --phot-run-aavso <recipe_file> Load recipe file and run photometry
                                     in batch mode. Report in AAVSO format.
    --import <catalog name>        Convert a tabular catalog file to the gcx
                                     Lisp-like format. Reads stdin.
                                     Current table formats are:
                                     gcvs, gcvs-pos, landolt, henden
    --merge <recipe_file>          Merge a new recipe file over the one loaded
                                     with the --recipe option. Checks are made
                                     for either positional or name duplicates.
                                     Only stars brighter than mag_limit are
    --set-target                   Specify a target object to be merged into a
                                     recipe file. It will also set the recipe
                                     object, ra and dec fields.
    --make-tycho-rcp <radius>      Create a recipe file for the object specified
                                     with --object using tycho2 stars in a box
                                     radius arcminutes around the object
    --rcp-to-aavso <recipe_file>   Conevrt a recipe file to the aavso db
                                     (tab-delimited) format
                                     If the file argument is '-', stdin is read
                                     The recipe comment and star comment fields
                                     are interpreted to get some db fields.
                                     see the --help-all for more info
-T, --rep-to-table <report_file>   Convert a report file to tabular format
                                     If an output file name is not specified
                                     (with the '-o' argument), stdout is used
                                     If the file argument is '-', stdin is read
-O, --obsfile <obs_file>           Load/run obs file (searches obs_path)
-n, --to-pnm                       Convert a fits file to 8-bit pnm
                                     If an output file name is not specified
                                     (with the '-o' argument), stdout is used
-j, --object                       Specify a target object (useful for setting
                                     an initial wcs
    --mag-limit                    Set a magnitude limit for the output of
                                     import and merge commands.

                    CCD Reduction Options
-d, --dark <dark_frame>            Set the dark frame / do dark subtraction
-b, --bias <bias_frame>            Set the bias frame / do bias subtraction
-f, --flat <flat_frame>            Set the flat field frame / flatfield
-G, --gaussian-blur <fwhm >        Set blur FWHM / apply Gaussian blur
-a, --align <align_ref_frame>      Set the alignment reference frame
                                      / align frames
-A, --add-bias <bias>              Set a constant bias to add to all frames
                                      / add a bias to frames
-M, --multiply <multiplier>        Set a constant to multiply all frames with
                                      / multiply frames by a scalar
                                   Multiplication is performed before addition.
-u, --update-file                  Save reduction results back to
                                     the original files
-s, --stack                        Stack the frames using the method set in
                                     the parameters file; for some methods
                                     additive background alignment is performed
-F, --superflat                    Stack the frames using an multiplicative
                                     background alignment procedure; the frames
                                     should be dark-substracted
-N, --no-reduce                    Do not run the reduction operations, just
                                     load the frame list / reduction options

    When any of the CCD reduction options is set and the -i flag
    is not specified, the reduction operations are run in batch mode
    on all the supplied fits files. When no output file is specified
    or -i is set, the files are loaded into the batch processing file
    list, the reduction options set in the dialog, and the program
    starts up in gui mode

Radu Corlan 2005-01-17